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Netflix’s Pray Away shows us the horrors of religious conversion therapy - here’s why we need a ban without exceptions

Stonewall staff

Netflix’s new documentary Pray Away follows the actions of Exodus, a religious group who told LGBTQ+ members – and their families – that they could change who they were. This important film follows...

NewsBlogCommunitiesFaith & religionHealth & social careLaw & crimeSocial exclusion

An LGBTQ+ Equality Action Plan for Wales

Stonewall staff

Today, the Welsh Government has launched a public consultation on the upcoming LGBTQ+ Action Plan. The consultation offers organisations and members of the public the chance to have your say on the...


6 sports getting LGBTQ+ inclusion right

Erin Williams

We want to highlight some of the sports that are striving to build visibility and inclusion for LGBTQ+ people. We can’t make sport everyone’s game unless all LGBTQ+ people are accepted, respected and...

NewsBlogCulture, media & sport

Q&A with Alison Bechdel: The Secret to Superhuman Strength

Max Hartley

Alison Bechdel is a queer and feminist icon. She rose to fame after creating the iconic comic strip Dykes To Watch Out For, which ran for 25 years, and writing the graphic novels Fun Home and Are You...

NewsBlogCulture, media & sport

A level playing field? Addressing discrimination in sports

Stonewall’s Director of Programmes, Liz Ward, celebrates the out and proud LGBTQ+ athletes from this year’s Olympics and Paralympics, but asks: “Is this enough?”. The theme for the Tokyo Olympics and...

NewsBlogCulture, media & sport

We Can Do Better Than This: new book gives voice to LGBTQ+ experiences from around the world

Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin

How can we create a better world for LGBTQ+ people? A newly released collection of stories and essays, We Can Do Better Than This: 35 Voices on the Future of LGBTQ+ Rights, tackles the question by...

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10 ways to step up as an ally to non-binary people

Stonewall staff

14 July is International Non-Binary People’s Day, which aims to celebrate the wide range of people worldwide who identify as non-binary. But do you know what it means to be non-binary? And do you...

NewsBlogCommunitiesEducation & youthSocial exclusion

Being non-binary in the UK today

Prishita Maheshwari-Aplin

What does it mean to be non-binary? For me, it means freedom and joy. To be non-binary is to exist outside of society’s confines and expectations. It’s to look at the world around me and to challenge...

NewsBlogCommunitiesLaw & crime

Hidayah: Gender, Sexuality, and Islam

Deenah al-Aqsa

During Pride Season, we are celebrating the ways we are #ProuderTogether. Deenah from Hidayah talks about how the organisation provides visibility, information, and community support to queer Muslims...

NewsBlogCommunitiesFaith & religion

AVEN – The Asexual Visibility and Education Network

Michael Doré

Content warning: sex, sexual coercion During Pride, we are celebrating the ways we are #ProuderTogether. Michael from AVEN talks about the importance of including ace identities in the LGBTQ+...



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