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The unacceptable treatment of LBGT asylum seekers in Europe and the UK

Peter Markham

The coronavirus pandemic has had devastating effects on most aspects of society. One consequence that’s perhaps not so obvious is that it’s meant news stories that might normally have made the front...


5 LGBT disability organisations you should support

Nish Vasco-Knight

To mark the start of Disability History Month, Stonewall’s Accessibility Forum co-chairs are highlighting five LGBT disability organisations and collectives you should be supporting. Become a better...


The Floyd Effect

Kamari Romeo

CW: mentions of racism, police brutality, death Reclaiming Black Horror – The stories are ours to tell Three bold films by three Black-British writers, produced by Humblebee Creative’s Artistic...


Asexuality is the Queerest Thing

Alice Olivia Scarlett

In this guest blog, writer Alice Olivia Scarlett speaks about their experiences of coming out as ace, and a lack of ace acceptance within the LGBTQIA+ community. Content warning: emotional and sexual...


Growing up trans and asexual

Tobias Hunter

In this guest blog Tobias Hunter, co-president of the University of Liverpool’s LGBT+ Society , speaks about their experiences of being trans and ace, and the media representation of ace people...

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African Rainbow Family: Ask the Home Office to stop outsourcing asylum interviews

Nessakem Vanessa Nwosu

Nessakem Vanessa Nwosu​, Assistant Social Media Coordinator at African Rainbow Family , speaks up about the issue of the UK Government’s intention to outsource asylum interviews and what we can do...

NewsBlogCulture, media & sport

International Pronouns Day

Neil McDonald

There’s a lot of discussion in the media and online recently about the use of gender pronouns. Gender pronouns aren’t new though. We use them all the time to identify and refer to someone. Describing...


Black History Month: the charity sector has a long way to go when it comes to racial equality

Bex Shorunke

In this guest blog Bex Shorunke, Senior Media Officer at akt , details what needs to change in order for the third sector to become a truly inclusive place for Black people and people of colour. How...


5 things Black LGBT people have done in 2020

The Black LGBT community have done so many incredible things this year, from raising money for amazing projects and organisations, to individuals going above and beyond to raise awareness and support...


10 ways to be an ally to Black LGBT people

This year the acute discrimination Black people face has been brought to the forefront. Black LGBT people have been severely affected by the global pandemic, as well as the trauma of systemic racism...

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